Loading Dock Equipment
in Los Angeles CA
If your business needs loading dock equipment in Los Angeles, CA contact Prestige Loading Dock & Door! Our team will help you find the best loading dock equipment in Los Angeles, CA for your business. We offer new dock levelers, restraints, dock seals, dock bumpers and shelters and more! We offer same-day or next-day delivery for your new loading dock equipment. Contact us today for more information!
(909) 463-0783 Contact Us
Types of Loading Dock
Equipment Los Angeles CA
Prestige Loading Dock & Door is the #1 provider for loading dock equipment in Los Angeles, CA. Every back-of-house needs a dock leveler. This is an industrial-grade ramp that allows access to trucks for loading and unloading inventory. Dock levelers are great since there are endless options to choose from. An automatic dock leveler is great since it raises and lowers the dock leveler with a click of a button.
The dock leveler works best when paired with dock bumpers. This protects your building from trucks hitting the commercial garage door. Not having dock bumpers can cause damage to your building and the commercial garage door. If you need new or replacement loading dock equipment in Los Angeles, CA then contact us!
The loading dock equipment in Los Angeles, CA we provide:
- Dock levelers
- Dock seals
- Dock bumpers
- Wheel chocks
- Laminated and molded bumpers
- Dock lights
- Dock board & more!

Loading Dock Repair Service Los Angeles
Loading dock repair service in Los Angeles increases worker safety. A broken and malfunctioning dock can cause injuries to employees, drivers and people in the area. It is never a good idea to neglect a malfunctioning loading dock. Prestige Loading Dock & Door provides the best loading dock repair service in Los Angeles.
All of our employees are licensed professionals that can repair your loading dock in no time! We even provide emergency loading dock repair services to help you during a tough time. Prestige Loading Dock & Door also only recommends repair services that are needed. We’ll never recommend an unnecessary repair that can cost customers extra money! Making sure your business continues its daily operations is our highest priority. Get in touch with us to schedule your loading dock repair service in Los Angeles.
(909) 463-0783 Contact UsBest Commercial Loading Dock Repair Los Angeles
Increase your work productivity with commercial loading dock repair in Los Angeles. Not only is a malfunctioning commercial dock a danger to employees, but it can also cause your business to operate slowly. Having a fully functioning commercial loading dock allows your business to run smoothly during loading/unloading times. However, over the years, loading dock parts tend to wear out and break.
With commercial loading dock repair in Los Angeles, it maintains the quality of the loading dock by repairing springs, dock levelers and dock bumpers! Prestige Loading Dock & Door recommends repairing dock bumpers since they tend to break first than dock levelers. The reason being is that the dock bumper is tucked between the edge of the dock and the truck that’s backing into it. Over time, its materials wear out, which can put your dock at risk.